Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"You were dwelling on being a victim instead of reveling in being a survivor."

Today it's been a year since the car was packed and we started our journey home.
I don't even know that girl who looked out the window with tears in her eyes as we passed through the city.

My story has become my identity.
Being a woman who was abused and left was who I let myself be.
But now a year later I am so much more than that.

I don't want to won't tell that part of my story anymore.
I want to will live and relish in the opportunity for a new start.
I want to will take advantage of being strong enough to take my life back.
I want to will be the woman I know I was always meant to be.

Today is the first day of the second year of my divorce.
The last year has been for healing, this year will be for building.


  1. That sounds like an excellent plan! Do it woman. Find your bootstraps!

  2. You are so much more than what happened to you! I'm proud of how far you've come and can't wait to watch you keep going! xoxo

  3. You are definitely more than just your story. You have a new story to write now and the pages can be filled with whatever YOU want!

  4. I think you are amazing......can't wait to see the new pages on your remarkable journey!

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