Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What Am I Missing....

Today is Tuesday. Two weeks in and I'm still working hard...
B u t I got on the scale yesterday and it said
2 0 7
So close yet so far..
I was really hoping to see a 100 # this week...
It's been 3 years and boy do I miss those 1's...
I DID drink this weekend, a VERY large bottle of wine over the course of three days..
And I DID eat out at Fridays on Saturday with Adam...
BUT I ordered a salad & only ate a few of his fries..
I was pretty proud of myself too, I really wanted that jack daniels wrap
BUT I chose the salad with the "under750 calories" icon...
By the way how sick is thar...
750 calories is more then half of what I consume on a daily basis, I don't even want to think about how many calories are in my beloved wrap & fries!!!

On the running front...
Stella and I went for our normal run Friday night...
Except after 3/4 a mile I had to take a shortcut home, my shinsplints are back...
I was so sad, and in pain I cried!!
Nevertheless I'm pushing on thus week, walking my butt off, hopefully literally not figuratively!
Sticking with my turbo fire, squatting like a mother and lifting every night!
The results will come, I just need to be patient.
It's tough to look in the mirror and hate your body & the Way it looks...
(though I do notice a huge difference in height of my bootayyy & less cellulite)
To think I was 60+ pounds heavier this time last year, what was I thinking...
I know exactly what I was thinking....
All my friends were fatter then me and I was thinking "at last I'm smaller then them"
Since then we've trimmed the mean, ugly fat from our lives...literally & are no longer friends with our fat friends.
So now it's just me and my body alone, only thing left to compare to is Adam's 170lb perfectly muscled bod...
S h o o t m e p u h l e a s e e e e...

Chugg chugg chugging...
Going to keep working hard
BUT..time to go be a mommy.
Love to all, chat soon!

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