Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday #5

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Does today feel like a Monday to anyone else? ICK.
Well this morning I weighed in at 190.
So that means I lost all my PMS weight, plus one pound.
How that happened I have no idea.
I didn't exercise once, but I did still eat well.
I think sometimes our body needs a break.
Addy stayed up later this past week, it's been a two hour process getting her to bed every night.
By 9pm when she finally is quiet the last thing I want to do is spend an hour with Peder getting sweaty...
Well I would, but not if there are weights and three sports bras involved.
This week I need to find time to fit it all in, Really!
Though I technically lost 5 pounds this week I still feel like complete c r a p.


Today I want to touch a little on alcohol and weight loss.
The two do not mix.
{{Unless your Mrs. Mustache, I don't know how that bizz does it}}
Yes I am guilty of "saving" calories for a few drinks...
But it's just not a good idea and certainly doesn't help loose the weight.
On Saturday I bought the first bottle of wine I've bought in months.
In those four days I've only have two glasses...and I enjoyed them.
Six months ago I was going through three of those BIG bottles of yellow tail every week sometimes more.
Now that's just gross, and prooves how miserable I actually was. Mehh
My running everything and three mile walk probably were just making up for the amount of alcohol I was consuming as soon as I swiped those compression crops & washed that sweat off.
What was I thinking.
Alcohol causes stomach bloat & water retention
{which I'm feeling today after only two glasses}
Alcohol has tons of sugar.
Alcohol is just empty calories.
Now I'm not saying you should never have a drink if you're trying to loose weight...
Or Maybe I am But you should seriously limit your comsumption if you're serious about dropping those el-bees
That being said I do not plan on throwing away that last 3/4 of the bottle that is left...
BUT weight loss isn't about giving everything up that you enjoy.

Happy Wednesday Ladies!

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Couldn't help myself HAD to leave you with a little Mamma June to brighten your day!
And remember next week we are measuring...b/c this girl someone forgot this week


  1. Great job on the loss.. I've been pretty good about cutting back on the booze. Maybe 1-2 a week.. Hey I have 5 kids..I need a little!

  2. Hey girl, I linked up but can't get the button to work on my post...

  3. Way to go on the loss!
    Why does alcohol have to be sooo bad!

  4. Awwwwwwwwww I lovers you! Hey at least you lost woman! HOLARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  5. Yayy for the loss and no worries on the exercise... I agree sometimes our bodies need a break. Not to mention the shit show that you've been going through, I'm sure your mind needs a break too! Great topic posting about weight-loss and alcohol... so true!!

  6. Great job with the loss! My advice is to get some sweat pouring out of you! That crappy feeling will go away! We need those happy endorphins!

  7. You lost 5lbs this week without excercising?? Thats freakin amazing! I love your point on alcohol so not good but sometimes its fun to have, all in moderation! Great job girl!

  8. Awesome job! Wish I could link up, but we've got the flu bug going around the house so my eating hasn't been great & workouts haven't happened. Hopefully I can start linking up next week!

  9. Yay for the loss! Sometimes we do need an exercise break. I know after going for a while, I get burnt out on it and don't feel like doing it. I'll be eating light this weekend for a bachelorette party on Saturday...hopefully where we're going has "skinny" drinks!

  10. Awesome job, congratulations on the loss this week!!!!

  11. you are doing SO GOOD!!!!

    THREE SPORTS BRAS club up in hurhhhh

  12. You did great this week. I agree about the alcohol. It slows down my weight loss. I can't handle that Mama June. Between you and Marcy, I am going to pee my pants.

  13. Amen, sister friend! I've gotten to the point where alcohol doesn't even appeal to me. Usually. It's a rare occasion that you see this girl turn into a hot mess, and when I do I thoroughly enjoy it...enough that I can hold off drinking for a few more weeks. I used to drink way more when I was more self-conscious about my weight!

  14. I'm already thinking ahead to the summer and trying to come up with ways to keep the weight off while still being able to enjoy summer, which of course is going to include alcohol.

  15. Five pounds is great!! I'm new here so I am following both hosts! I love how honesty you are.

  16. I couldn't get the button to link on my post either, so just put up the picture, and linked to the hosts.

    It is SO UNFAIR that wine has so many useless calories!! Why oh why, when it makes me feel so good?????? But I have found a good lower calorie white's called "Skinny Grape" made by the people at "Naked Grape" I think....and it tastes very at least I feel a little better when indulging...but probably should just cut it right out.....
